The Wisconsin Paper Council (WPC) would like to invite you to attend a virtual awareness training on Fire Prevention and Hot Work Management.
WPC is offering a guest speaker opportunity on the subject of Fire Prevention and Hot Work Management. Paul Leimer, Senior Risk Control Specialist at Willis Towers Watson, and Cody Weber, Regional Safety Manager at The Boldt Company will be presenting the subject matter.
The presenters will provide insight into highlights of current OSHA fire prevention regulations, fire hazard recognition, key planning and preventative measures, hot work permit processes, and proper fire watch implementation. For the purposes of this training, hot work is defined as any activity that involves open flames or produces heat and/or sparks capable of initiating fires or explosions. How work is one of the leading causes of fires in industrial and commercial occupancies. Typical hot work activities include welding, cutting, grinding, soldering, brazing, and torch applied roofing. A special focus will address the increased risks presented by maintenance and construction activities.
Participants will leave the session with an understanding of the best practices associated with hot work applications, the importance of having a hot work program, and best practices outlining a hot work practice.
Who should attend? Risk managers and directors, general counsel, claim managers, project executives and project managers. Feel free to extend this invitation to other members of your organization who might be interested.
If you plan to attend, please register by Friday 10/22/2021.
Register here: